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Digital Content Strategy: Start Where You Want to Finish

Written by Melanie Brown | Feb 15

Digital Content Strategy in the Pharma Industry | We all agree on the importance of excellent digital content and certainly we all begin with that objective in mind. And yet according to marketers, representatives, and health care providers, pharma digital content rarely receives top scores. One theory is this: it goes wrong at the outset.

The 2 approaches to the creation of digital content 

There are two main approaches to the creation of digital content:

  • Decide what you truly require based on your current and future customer needs, interests and preferences.

In our experience many marketers take the first approach; conducting an inventory of existing messaging and content that can be used in a new or modified digital campaign. And it is true that this approach could be less time and cost intensive. However, it is also true that you are creating content based on past logic without clearly defining today’s needs. 

A better way is to seek first to understand what is needed today. 


The 3 questions to ask yourself when creating digital content

   What conversations do you most want to have with your customers?

  • Considering your product’s communication opportunities and challenges, what would the ideal conversations look like?
  • What is the most essential information to share during those conversations that differentiates you from the competition and provides the optimal user experience for HCPs and patients? 
  • Now what content best supports those conversations?
  • How can you make the relevant information easily accessible for personal and non-personal interactions with your customers? It may be in a video format, a webinar you can host or a downloadable report.
  • How much time per interaction do customers afford you, and what is the appropriate amount of content to match that time allowed?


   What are your customers really interested in knowing? 

  • There is no easy solution to this one. You must ask and keep asking. 
  • Do not allow this information to sit idly on a web site or in the mind of your representatives. Mine your data and respond to what your customers are telling you.


   What are your customers preferred channels?

  • What information will customers accept to be pushed to them and how often?
  • What information will customers search themselves? Where will they look?  

The above inventory will be a strong starting point for you in your content development journey. If you are interested in learning how you can leverage digital channels in the pharmaceutical industry, contact Actando

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